CQC Mandatory Training for all Staff & Registered Managers
Inspire to Outstand
Mandatory training is learning judged important for safe and efficient service delivery and personal safety. Mandatory learning reduces risk and complies with government policy for regulation.
Independent Practioners
Demonstrating continued learning signifies the value and importance of delivering a high-quality service. Although mandatory training needs to be regularly updated, employers are free to set their own protocols and policies on training. However, if you are registered or considering registration with the CQC registered manager training must be demonstrated.
There have been negative consequences noted when mandatory training is not completed, these include a workplace that is less safe; accidents becoming more likely; and patients not receiving the highest quality of care.
Care Quality Commission
As an employer you have a responsibility to ensure that your team have access to training. The Care Quality Commission states that ‘Persons employed by the service provider in the provision of a regulated activity, must receive appropriate support, training, professional development, supervision and appraisal as is necessary to enable them to carry out the duties they are employed to perform.’
​Full E Learning Mandatory Training Package
Medicine management
Equality and diversity
Health and safety
Infection prevention & control
Moving and handling
Information governance
Safeguarding Adults level 2
Safeguarding Children level 2
Duty of Care
Duty of Candour
Mental Capacity
Understanding GPR for Information Governance​
Reception and Administration Team E Learning Package
Child protection level 2
Safeguarding adults level 2
Health and safety at work
Understanding Infections and Importance of Hand Hygiene
Equality and Diversity
Client feedback
"The website was easy to access and work through and the information prior to assessment was relevant clear and concise. Overall a fab service."
"I found this training really helpful, I had not done any mandatory training since leaving the NHS."
"Easy to follow instructions and the safeguarding adults module is so important"
Mental Health Workshop
We held our first mental health workshop in January 2020. The next date will be held in Leeds, date TBC. Contact us to reserve your place.
" A must for all practitioners and staff in aesthetics" - Dr Fitzsimmons
"Excellent, great discussions and good advice" - Dr Kennington
"I would send staff on future sessions" - Lisa Tierney