The CQC is responsible for regulating and monitoring health and social care services in England. Its registration process can be confusing, but don't worry! We are here to clear up the confusion. The following lists some FAQs about CQC registration for your business.

How Much is CQC Registration?
The registration fee payable to the CQC is an annual fee. This can be worked out using the fee calculator on the website this is the link.
When Do I Need It?
Any business that offers medical services to the public must have CQC registration. This includes any medical practice, dental surgery or other health care service. If you offer only non-healthcare services but are not sure if your company needs to be registered, please contact us for further advice and information on 07825 311 900 or email
Do I Need CQC Registration?
If your business offers any healthcare or health related services, you will need CQC registration. This includes the following:
- Some areas of aesthetic medicine where there is a diagnosis and treatment plan in place
- Weight management clinics;
- Any surgical intervention such as the non-surgical facelift using thread lift
How to Apply for CQC Registration?
In order to apply for CQC registration, you will need to complete an application form and return it with the relevant information. The process is designed to be straightforward but may find it daunting therefore there are a number of things that we recommend you do before beginning the application:
- Identify all people who have a management or control function in your business, you will need to appoint a registered manager;
- Check that your business falls under scope of registration.
- Identify any professional indemnity insurance or registration requirements that you need to comply with.
-Ensure that your governance structure is robust this is something that we can help with.
Before applying for CQC Registration, please ensure that you have support in place to ensure that your statement of purpose reflects your business plan and service.
How Long Does CQC Registration Take?
The process of registering with CQC is currently taking on average 4 months to complete but this time period may vary depending on the level of information that you are able to provide. If you have any concerns about whether your business is ready for inspection or if you want advice on how to improve your registration application, please contact us by emailing at or by calling us on 07825 311 900.
How to Prepare for a Rating Inspection
All clinics which we have worked with have to date been rated Good overall this is an excellent achievement but requires preparation. If you have a rating inspection planned and require support you need to ensure that areas such as audits, HR files and incidents are complete and ready to show your inspector. This is an area where we can help.